Friday, September 4, 2009

Stuff To Do...

Today Jeff and I both have the day off so we have a list of errands to run so we can get some things done before our trip. Only 11 days till we leave and we are both so excited... even a bit nervous.

I did a google search on Japan rail map today and came across a really good Tokyo rail map... Here is what we are up against (I have also posted it to your left). It's going to be confusing but I have told Jeff it's just part of the experience and we'll figure it out! Hopefully!! :)

I know this blog may not be really exciting for anyone right now but I like the idea of having it as a record of our trip, even the stuff before we left. I found it helpful searching around for stuff on Japan and coming across people's blogs. So maybe ours will be helpful to someone someday, hence the packing list, this train info, etc... Bear with me. ;)

So, today we plan to go look at walking shoes and I plan to sell off some old clothes for the extra cash as their just sitting around in our garage (extra money is always good!)... I do plan to try and pack here soon as I want to see how much I can fit in my backpack (If you were wondering, We got the REI Lookout 40, the men and women's). I also have to go to a Seattle or Made in WA shop and find some Seattle trinkets for the trip. We have been told and read that it's customary to bring gifts from where you live to give to people you meet. I was thinking postcards or small pins since we won't have a ton of extra room. The sushi chef at Shiki suggested mini boxes of smoked salmon (apparently salmon is spendy in Japan) so we'll probably get a few of those... yet again, space is an issue.

Jeff has been asking people what type of souveniers they want but I am more for just surprising people... However, if you do have a request just let us know. :)

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