Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pictures - Day 1 (travel day)

I finally uploaded the pictures we took yesterday, not a ton but there will be more as the days progress! Stay tuned!

(the picture here is the view of the sun rising this morning from our hotel room).


  1. reminds us of our days in Tokyo!! The best part of the day is the sunrise...ergo...Land of the Rising Sun. Enjoy that wonderful food and be sure to avoid the jellyfish tentacle salad!! Love your blog!! Mike and Suzanne -- mom and dad

  2. Whew!!!!!!!!!!! I finally found out how to make a comment (to the whole world) but at least I found out you both made it to I am hoping this message makes it to you and you will have alot of great pictures to share. Love you both and I want pretty new chop sticks...hint hint hint.....momME

  3. tarah, how do we make a comment other than being "anonymous"? We dont fit any of the profiles below?

    How is your second day? Mike and Suzanne, otherwise known as "anonymous"

  4. i am trying one more time. g'pa

  5. Well, they taught me how to do it. Have a great time and try the Yaki-omi. Love. G.Pa

  6. If you decide to see something North of Tokyo don't overlook Nikko. Old Japanese saying- Don't say Gecko until you'ver seen Nikko! Happy traveling. G'Pa Maxwell
